Introducing The Women Of AngelHack #ProjectWoAH

Introducing The Women Of AngelHack #ProjectWoAH

In this article
In this article

“Girls, who run this mothaf…?”. Billions shouted back “girls!”, and we at AngelHack were right there, shouting at the top of our lungs. Women run the world, and they run AngelHack too.

We operate in a developer-focused world, and have carved out our own space in a crowded landscape FILLED to the brim with largely male talent (just 20% of startups worldwide are founded by women, and overall representation of women in tech sits at about 26% in the U.S). 

Within a startup that organizes hackathons (events that on average have an 80% male demographic) it’s the women of AngelHack who make up two-thirds of the team and represent the majority of our ownership and leadership, that are really running the show. This is something special, something we want to share.

And share we will.

That’s why we’re introducing Project WoAH (Women of AngelHack). We want to shout from the rooftops our story, our successes, our struggles, our experiences; and inspire others. We’re going to be sharing our stories during the next few weeks. We also want to hear what you have to say. We’re bringing our remote team from across the globe together for a livestream chat and Q&A December 17th at 5pm PST (7pm CST, 8pm EST), and we want you to ask questions.

Introducing The Women Of AngelHack #ProjectWoAH

Want to know how our VP of Strategic Partnerships, Jessica Smith, went from intern to her current role, while traveling around the world as a digital nomad? Ask her.


Want to know how HACKcelerator Program Manager, Cassey Gatchalian, emerged from the depths of Craigslist, landed herself a job with AngelHack, and taught herself to code on the fly? She now creates all our websites in addition to her main role. Ask her about it, she’s got stories.

Want to know how our Operations Assistant, Grace Howland, is managing her workload, being a full-time student and sorority life? She’s down to share how she keeps her life straight.

Oh and then there’s Sahar Abdulrasoul, running marketing for a 50 city Global Hackathon Series right after graduating from the University of San Francisco and moving to Kuwait. She’s a boss.

That’s just four of the Women of AngelHack. There’s more, and they want to chat with you on December 17th. They want to INSPIRE and motivate those women and girls who might be unsure about pursuing a career in a male-dominate industry to GO FOR IT.

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We’re doing this to INSPIRE our diverse community to engage in a conversation about how there are a multitude of options and opportunities for women to pursue careers in tech, and be a vital part of tech culture.

We know and have seen first-hand through our hackathons that women-lead startups can create amazing products, so clearly, something needs to change.

Let’s all work together, it’s not that scary. But the first step is to talk about it. And the stage is set, December 17th at 5PM PST. Submit your questions ahead of time using #ProjectWoAH or through the YouTube LIVE chat on December 17th. Mark your calendars, and make sure you tune into the livestream!

Need ideas for questions?

  • What’s the best career advice you ever received?
  • What hackathons have you worked on that you’re most proud of?
  • What advice would you give to young women working in tech?
  • What advice would you give to men for ways they can support women in tech?
  • Who are your role models?
  • What’s your favorite girl-power ballad?

Click here to support our thunderclap campaign, and get notified when we go live on December 17th!

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