We Love Having Clusterpoint Be Part Of #AH8!

We Love Having Clusterpoint Be Part Of #AH8!

In this article
In this article

We love our sponsors, and we especially love what they bring to our AngelHack Global Series events. This year, Clusterpoint is really showing up with the goods and we can barely contain our excitement.

We Love Having Clusterpoint Be Part Of #AH8!

Before I tell you what they’ve got going on during the Series. Lemme make sure you know what Clusterpoint’s all about.

See, they got this thing called the Clusterpoint Cloud. This cloud is special cause it offers the developer 2 huge benefits: computational resources AND storage.

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Imagine not being able to purchase both the tools and the toolbox at Home Depot? That’d suck.

Instead of having to find another storage provider, you can use the Clusterpoint Cloud for all of it. Time-saver, AMIRITE?

They also want to help you save some of that cash, with a pay-per-use model that will save you money for some delicious burritos (or whatever you’re craving as you read this).

So what are they doing at the Angelhack Series? Their CHALLENGE has been set.

They want our epicly talented AngelHackers to test the Clusterpoint Cloud environment and use it as a back-end solution for prototyping during the event. And if your team is victorious, the prizes will make it even sweeter.

Oculus Dev Kits for winning teams from the Manhattan and Silicon Valley events with the best applications using their Cloud. Plus you’ll be able to maintain your account with them after the event with no extra costs. And on top of that! And then one week after the series, one winning team who utilized the Clusterpoint Cloud the best will be chosen from the whole series, and awarded $10,000.

Think of all you can get with that money! I can sure think of a few things.. But moving on! We can’t wait to have Clusterpoint at our Series events. Let the challenge begin!

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You can check out Clusterpoint at their home on the web: www.clusterpoint.com