5 Civic Hackathons We’re Pumped About

5 Civic Hackathons We’re Pumped About

Here at AngelHack we love to see civic hackathons throughout the globe. Whether it be an event to combat traffic issues, women’s issues or social issues we can’t get enough of them!

This year there are quite a few coming through the pipeline but we wanted to highlight five of our favorite ones that we are super stoked for! And if you have any you want us to feature, email rachel@angelhack.com!

5 Civic Hackathons We’re Pumped About

UKGovHack 2016

Saturday April 2nd


The event in pretty unique because it is a hackathon and a conference mashup.  Their goal is to prototype solutions to key public sector issues going on in the UK!

Sign up here!-http://tinyurl.com/joy5pel


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The Techfugees Melbourne Hackathon

Firday April 15th at 7:00 PM (AEST).


The goal of their event is to bring together developers, designers, entrepreneurs and community members to develop creative tech solutions to help refugee families settle into the Australian community.

Sign up for it here!: http://tinyurl.com/jhdr49k


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The OSM Triple Mapping party

Saturday May 7th at various time zones!

The event is in three countries, three time zones, and three different tech hubs! So if you live in Salaam, London, or Vilnius then get on board with their goal of working in some tech solutions to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals proposed by the UN in September of 2015!

Event details here!:http://tinyurl.com/jpnaaxm


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Hack-SMC 2016

San Mateo, CA

Last year this event was sick developers, engineers, entrepreneurs, students, techies, activists, designers and citizens of San Mateo County  participated in an all-day competition to use open data and technology to create web and mobile apps that improve the San Mateo communities!

Stay up to date on the details here!: – http://hack-smc.org/event/


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BarCamp News Innovation 2015 

Saturday October 15th at 9am

Philadelphia, PA

BarCamp News Innovation (#bcni16) is an annual unconference on news innovation, in which attendees come together and talk about best practices in innovating and strengthening our communities and conversations.

Register here!: http://tp.ticketleap.com/bcni16/


Some of these events are close and some are pretty far out so make sure you mark your calendars! Let’s make some change together and make the world a better place by using tech. We’ve been waiting for events like these longer than Leonardo DiCaprio was waiting for an Oscar!
