See you at SXSW V2V In Las Vegas on June 13th – 16th!

You voted, and we’re proud to announce that AngelHack’s CEO Sabeen Ali will be speaking at SXSW V2V this year!

(If you missed our Panel Picker and the voting process, be sure to check it out! If you’re not familiar with Panel Picker already, it’s a sweet platform to hack your way into a speaking slot at any SXSW event. It’s awesome!)

Sabeen will be talking about our Whole Developer initiative, which supports and educates developers in 6 core competencies we believe to be fundamental to sustain success in the tech industry – communication, team building, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, work/life balance, and social responsibility.

We’re excited for these panels:

Workshops we can’t wait for:

Programming for Non-Programmers by Chris Castiglione from One Month

If you’re running a tech start-up, it’s essential that you familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of web development. Ultimately, knowing how to “talk to the talk” will help you communicate better with developers. In this two hour long workshop, you’ll look at questions like, “Front-end vs. Back-end?”, “Is UX necessary for my project?, “What is this Javascript function thingy, and why am I passing it strange math equations to it?” and tackle some development principles to get you on the right path.

Don’t forget to register to attend SXSW V2V!  

We’ll see you in Vegas! 🙂