#AH8 Meets Mexico City

#AH8 Meets Mexico City

AngelHack hit one of the most beautiful cities in the world over a month ago, and on this beautiful late-June afternoon, we felt like reflecting on the awesome event.

Oh and P.S. we’ll be back August 1-2nd for MasterCard’s Masters of Code: Mexico City. So if you want another (or your first) taste of hackathon magic, be sure to sign up!

#AH8 Meets Mexico City

This is AngelHack Mexico City.

To set the stage, our awesome attendees spent the weekend hacking at Centraal. One of the most beautiful and unique co-working spaces we’ve ever seen. The whole indoor-outdoor feel added with really interesting design elements added up to pure inspiration for our hackers.

LGM Studio . Fotografía de Arquitectura LGM Studio . Fotografía de Arquitectura

70 people. 16 teams. 1 winner.

At the end of the weekend, after all the delicious food, hacking, stress, fun, and NERF wars; one winner emerged.

Meet RandomWalker!

RandomWalker is a web platform that allows people who are about to move to get an estimated cost for local moving services. It chooses from different suppliers, determines the best price and service and hires the service that best suits your needs.

And because this team didn’t ignore the business side, they thought of the benefits to the moving companies too! Greater customer acquisition, improved price list management, payment and billing.

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The team consisted of Gabriela Roque, Omar Martínez, Franciso Zavala, & Christian Segura.

What Was The Idea/Inspiration Behind Your Project?

To create an easy to use solution that can also be profitable!

Our concept was always changing, because every time we solved an issue, another came up, so we eventually focused only on the main idea.

What Was Your Favorite Part Of The Event?

We got to meet new people! The food! Work with my friends! And the breakfast of champions!

Most of the people were very kind, they shared their ideas to help out other teams, the food was great! The only thing that we missed was playing with the NERF guns.

What Do You Hope For The Future Of This Project?

Help anyone who is dealing with the struggle of moving. Make life easier, keep things flowing with time we’ll like to improve the idea , make a better service, and share the experience to new entrepreneurs joining this awesome Startup world.

We ultimately want to launch a very successful company that makes moving easier and create new jobs.


These guys and girl are the real deal, and have received an invitation to our HACKcelerator program! They’ll get to enter the program, receive 12-weeks of awesome mentorship and get the chance to come to Silicon Valley for Global Demo Day. They will then have to opportunity to be one of the teams pitching in front of 100+ investors!