Announcing The QuickBooks Connect Hackathon!

Announcing The QuickBooks Connect Hackathon!

Heard of the QuickBooks Connect conference?

It’s kind of a big deal.

Robert Herjavec? Jessica Alba? Amazing keynote speakers. The conference is full of goodies. Oh and the official hackathon? Yup, we’re organizing. And you know it’s gonna be a doozy.

The hackathon is the official pre-conference event, and we’ve set up some awesome challenges that are gonna be a hacking good time.

Track 1: Existing Apps: If you have an existing SaaS small business app, build an innovative integration with the QuickBooks platform to make your app even more powerful and useful than before.

Track 2: New Apps: Create a solution to a real problem faced by small businesses while leveraging the QuickBooks platform. This brand new app will integrate with QuickBooks Online and address a real world customer pain point.

Track 3: Solutions for Non-Profits: For existing or new apps, create a solution to a real problem faced by non-profits by leveraging the QuickBooks platform. Add QuickBooks platform functionality to your existing SaaS app, or build a brand new app that leverages the QuickBooks platform. Either way, your solution addresses a real pain point for non-profits.

And if you rock your chosen challenge and take home the gold? Well, let’s say that gold equals big bucks.

Announcing The QuickBooks Connect Hackathon!

Win the Grand Prize? $10k split amongst your team. Plus! If your Grand Prize winning app is published on by May 2nd, the team will get $30k in marketing spend!

Hubba hubba.

And if you win your chosen challenge? $5k split amongst the team, plus the chance to win that $15k!


All that sounds great, right? You can barely contain yourself? Well if you wanna attend….. SIGN UP HERE!


Teams of four who register simultaneously can use the code QBCGROUPDEV to bring down the cost of attending the hackathon/conference to $49 per person.


Don’t feel like you know know enough about the QuickBooks platform? No worries! Get caught up at!

Official Rules

NO ADD’L PUR. OR PYMNT NEC. TO ENTER OR WIN. Enter in person by 11:00am PST on 11/2/15. Must be 18+, paid attendee, and present at QuickBooks Connect 2015 Hackathon in San Jose, CA during 11/1-11/2 to participate. For complete details and prize descriptions see Official Rules. Void where prohibited. Sponsor: Intuit Inc., Mountain View, CA.