Cloud Academy Sponsoring #AH9 Manhattan And Silicon Valley!

Cloud Academy Sponsoring #AH9 Manhattan And Silicon Valley!

We just want to start off by saying that we’d like to thank the academy…Cloud Academy, to be exact, for being one of our favorite sponsors for our Manhattan and Silicon Valley events!

Cloud Academy Sponsoring #AH9 Manhattan And Silicon Valley!

Let us be the first to tell you all about how much of a game changer they are. As we all know, cloud computing is revolutionizing nearly every industry. It’s allowed the world to reinvent old industries by integrating complex software that just makes everyone’s life easier. But we gotta learn what it is and how to do it right, right?

Cloud Academy specializes in training people and teams all around the globe on a wide variety of products. They have hit over 150 countries with their video courses, quizzes and hands on labs. It’s pretty awesome. And we can tell you from experience, they’re great programs.

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These different training programs are all oriented to giving all you awesome hackers the tools for success when it comes to anything cloud related. Their hands-on labs give you the direct experience you need. The lab will help you navigate through each part of the earning experience and give you some kudos when you complete it successfully

Their learning paths focus on a wide variety of subjects from learning the basics of AWS, all the way up to DevOps engineering and software architect certifications.

If you just want to learn AWS then check out their certifications above. Everyone has different levels of coding skills, so pick one that’s right for you!

Don’t just take our word for it. Check out their video explaining all of their products below!

If you want to try out their fantastic products for FREE you can get a trial here.

Be sure to check them out in Manhattan and Silicon Valley or you will regret it! You’re all going to be on cloud 9. Trust us.


Be sure to snag tickets to the events they will be attending!

Manhattan: Here

Silicon Valley: Here