Congrats to the everiToken Winners!

Congrats to the everiToken Winners!

We’re excited to announce the winners of everiToken: the virtual global hackathon designed to improve the tokenization economy

Congrats to the everiToken Winners!

Participants of this first-of-its-kind hackathon were able to follow the tracks of fresh code or pre-existing code, and were judged for the quality of their idea and how well tokenization technology was applied. Judges included co-founder and CEO of everiToken Brandy Luo, Managing Partner of SMC Capital John Slyusarev, Managing Director John Patrick Mulligan, co-founder and CPO of everiToken Ceeji Cheng, Founder of Built for Blockchain Rick Perroset, and Managing Partner & Senior Investment Advisor Aly Madhavji.

The hackathon had four challenges: a payments challenge to create a micro-payments application based on everiPay/everiPass, a tokenization challenge to tokenize on assets and equities based on everiToken APIs, an open challenge to build anything related to everiToken public chain, and a special video challenge to show the impact of tokenization. Teams competed for thousands of dollars in cash and token prizes while showing their passion for public blockchain and technology. The below winners successfully achieved the goal of taking on the challenge of introducing tokenization to the world.

Grand Prize Winner: Everipixel

The grand prize winning idea for everiToken goes to Everipixel, whose idea allows people to discover on their own what kind of properties blockchain has and learn as they experiment with their pixels. Pixels can be individually owned, transferred, and edited by people using everiToken as the backend. Through this approach people that are new to tokenization nd blockchains can start to get an idea of how works. The technology used includes Javascript, React, FeathersJS, Nodejs, everiToken, and mongodb. 



Fresh Code Winner: Asmiov

Asmiov won the track of fresh-code with their idea for a hardware gadget that lets you connect everyday devices to the blockchain. Everyday appliances, vehicles, or rentals houses are just some of the devices that can be used. This allows users to earn profits directly by leasing any device they own. Transactions are made in the everiToken network and the versatility of Asimov allows the product to be embedded with practically any device of daily life. The aim of this product is to bring Blockchain to everyone. Tech used in the creation of Asimov included raspberry Pi and Vue js.

Pre-Existing Winner: MyEVT

The winner of the Pre-Existing track was MyEVT, the first wallet portal of everiToken. Its advantages include compatibility and extension of all functions of the main chain while providing a safe, convenient and user-friendly one-stop digital assets wallet. In the future, MyEVT will integrate DCRM cross-chain technology to build a closed-loop ecosystem of Token to provide one-stop solutions for enterprise users. This could further the blockchain industry to complete practical applications. 


Grand Prize Video Winner: Tokenization

“Tokenization” shows viewers a conversation between two young people explaining the simplicity of using cryptocurrency as a form of payment in your everyday life. At the beginning of the video, we learned how credit cards today expose personal information which can allow fraudulent activity. With tokenization, all information is encrypted and secure. We see how convenient, fast and secure every payment can be, and how easy it is to use for everyday pay.  



Runner-Up Video Winner: The Trailer

“The Trailer” explains how centralization is the lowest it’s ever been, insecurity has been eradicated, and distrust is nonexistent. Using video shots of current events and everyday actions we take in life, it’s easy to understand that everiToken can help with these issues. “The Trailer” uses present and future takes on the economy and life with the growth and development of blockchain technology.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s everiToken and congratulations to all the winners! We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for your awesome ideas!