From AngelHack Sydney to Online Travel Dominance: Check out Troopr

Yup, it’s that time again. As we’ve been telling you, we’re hearing more and more success stories, and we mean it when we tell you we love it. So now, we’re proud to share another. Meet troopr, the next big thing in online travel, born from AngelHack Sydney last year.

Troopr, founded by Richard Ing and Michael Lieu, is an online booking system which helps group organizers share travel packages amongst their friends. Troopr is the secret sauce that helps travel agencies reach new customers, through the influence of a group organizer. Troopr makes it easy for them to share travel packages, gather RSVPs and ultimately book the trip.

Awesome idea. Why didn’t we think of it?!

Sometimes people come to an AngelHack event not knowing what to expect. That’s part of the experience! But a lot of people come to making something BIG, and there is no better way than by sitting down, focusing, making a plan and DOING. These guys get ish DONE. So what’s unique about troopr and their approach? For starters, these seven interesting things:

1) They wrote their first line of code at AngelHack Sydney!

2) They have never made a loss.

3) They inked a five-figure deal with their first customer after showing their Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

4) They have transacted over $30,000 worth of bookings in the last 3 months.

5) One of them has just moved to Seattle to explore the US market.

6) More importantly, they are focused on finding advisors and mentors at the moment.

7) They are hungry and want to quit their day jobs, sell and pitch!

Ummm, yeah… #7 is pretty clear. Team troopr is not messing around. They came, they saw, they conquered. Now, they want to replace the Dos Equis guy as the most interesting men in the world. We know they can do it.

So whadya say, AngelHackers? Can we show troopr some love?! Click here and use them to book your next Vegas bonanza, reunion trip or bachelor(ette) party.