IBM Bluemix In The House for #AH8!

IBM Bluemix In The House for #AH8!

IBM Bluemix is one of our 2015 Global Hackathon Series sponsors, and you guys, this is a big deal!

IBM Bluemix In The House for #AH8!

This means you’ll (if you’re attending one of our Series events, which let’s face it, you should be) have the chance to use their Bluemix platform for your hack. And believe me, it’s something you’re gonna want to check out. It will BLOW. YOUR. MIND.

Want to do all the development, testing and deployment of your hack from one place? Yes, I thought so. That’s where Bluemix comes into play, being that it’s a single-solution environment and all.. They got all the languages you need (Ruby, PHP, Node.JS, Python and Liberty Java). Plus databases like Cloudant, SQl, mySQl or MongoDB.

There’s even wearable and IoT support! This is 2015 after all.

It’s flexible too. Real flexible.

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So now that you’re interested in the magic of IBM Bluemix, you can register for your free trial and get to know it before your local hackathon.

Taking an early gander at Bluemix might help you in your hunt for those prizes IBM’s offering 😉


Create your app using the IBM Bluemix Cloud platform and services, and you could win prizes for the most innovative use of Bluemix.

Challenge accepted? Now onto..


Entrepreneurs and startups will gain access to the IBM Global Entrepreneur Program for Cloud Startups with $12,000 of Cloud credit and will be eligible for up to $120,000 of free IBM Cloud credit.

Not too shabby, amirite??

Get some sleep, stretch your fingers, and get READY TO HACK.