#MotivationMonday: The Story of #links

#MotivationMonday: The Story of #links

The following was written by Naureen Nayyar @norabean:

Check out #links at their website: http://getlinks.co/ and on Twitter 

Sometimes taking one chance can lead to many opportunities and potential successes. A pivotal opportunity for us came from the choice of attending AngelHack Bangkok in 2014.  The event not only got us to brainstorm about issues we face as entrepreneurs in Bangkok, but it got us to meet others who felt similar, which led us to our current startup, #links.

#MotivationMonday: The Story of #links

AngelHack linked three of us together, and now we hope to create an app that connects you to people you should meet and allows people to post and find jobs by quality companies we hand select.  We want to make recruiters’ lives easier, and that of the jobseekers that they meet by making the connections not just around jobs, but also the networks you create with like-minded professionals.

Where did it all begin?

Djoann Fal,  inspired by putting together an event to help startups to connect called DrunkEntrepreneurs, was just about to leave his “Corporate” company to pursue his entrepreneurial side and branch into something more innovative.

That’s when he decided to participate in Angelhack.

Djoann shared his initial concepts of #links with me : an app that tries to solve the issue of how to efficiently find the people you should meet for your business/career.

I will always remember him showing me his idea on a napkin……

Not many people at the event were interested in Djoann’s ideas, but one guy was, Pitchaya had actually been working on a similar idea at the last year at AngelHack too! The organizer, Amarit Charoenphan from Hubba Thailand matched them up.

Thanks to how AngelHack makes people move from idea to a MVP during a weekend, the app’s early ideas got hashed out fast that weekend, and as both of them were very passionate about the problem that needed to be fixed, they kept working on it.

Now, six months later, #links is a 9 people company with Djoann, Pitchaya, and Popp as co-founders. Even I got “linked” to the app and now work with the team.

Recently #links got accepted to JFDI, Asia’s #1 startup accelerator, gained their first investor, and now are looking into expansion into Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo.

AngelHack might be only a weekend, but it can and has linked us to  numerous opportunities and potential successes. So we look forward to supporting those who attend the next event in Bangkok, as we will be on the AngelHack Bangkok organizing team.  Come link with us!


#MotivationMonday: The Story of #links

Check out #links at their website: http://getlinks.co/ and on Twitter