Say Hello to AngelHack’s Newest Advisors: Mark Cuban, Ben Parr and Frank Vial!

Say Hello to AngelHack’s Newest Advisors: Mark Cuban, Ben Parr and Frank Vial!

What a year it’s been! Since January, we’ve been all around the world, to places we’d never been before: from the SNL Studios in New York City to the sunkissed beaches of Bali. We’ve had our largest series ever, hosting 7,000 developers worldwide, and have connected the world’s top developers with companies like NBC/Universal, Accenture, and Cisco. We’ve been to SXSW to Techweek, and back again… and we ain’t even finished!

Of course we couldn’t have been on such a roll without the people that make AngelHack… well, AngelHack. Our core team, our ambassadors, our community… and of course, our advisors. You might know some of them – Allan Young of Runway, Gregory Whitescarver of Huge, and Craig Elimeliah of RAPP.

Now, we’re pleased to welcome three new advisors to the AngelHack family: Mark Cuban, Ben Parr and Frank Vial!

Mark Cuban

Say Hello to AngelHack’s Newest Advisors: Mark Cuban, Ben Parr and Frank Vial!

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past, oh, 14 years (oh, hai – and welcome to the Internet!), here’s the deal about Mark Cuban… he’s kind of a big deal. Not only does he own the Dallas Mavericks and appear on Shark Tank, he’s also a big time investor, and regularly invests in startups. And he digs us…  he really, really digs us. “I like the founder and their mission,” he said. About us! To say we’re blown away is the understatement of the year. Welcome aboard, Mark!

Ben Parr

Say Hello to AngelHack’s Newest Advisors: Mark Cuban, Ben Parr and Frank Vial!

Ben Parr, having been Co-Editor and Editor-at-Large of Mashable, understands how to get people to listen to you. Now, through DominateFund, he invests in startups and lends them his expertise in getting noticed, and will share his expertise with the world with his upcoming book, Captivology. If someone creates an app to live in this guy’s brain one day, let us know!

Frank Vial

Say Hello to AngelHack’s Newest Advisors: Mark Cuban, Ben Parr and Frank Vial!

Frank Vial is a creative strategist. What does this mean? It means he’s a storyteller. A native of Germany, Frank’s been helping companies brand themselves and tell their stories for over 13 years – and he’s very excited about helping us tell ours. We’re just as excited!

Mark, Ben and Frank will join our existing advisors: Allan, Greg and Craig. In case you don’t know them, let us make a little introduction to you:

Allan Young

Say Hello to AngelHack’s Newest Advisors: Mark Cuban, Ben Parr and Frank Vial!

Allan Young is nothing short of a powerhouse. He’s the founder of TopLine, the biggest startup accelerator in the East Bay, and Runway, one of the biggest, invite-only shared working spaces in the Bay Area. A serial entrepreneur, Allan knows his way around tech startups, venture capital, private equity, and asset management.

Greg Whitescarver

Say Hello to AngelHack’s Newest Advisors: Mark Cuban, Ben Parr and Frank Vial!

Greg Whitescarver is all over the place… in a GOOD way! An avid cyclist and grill master, Greg has served as Technology Director at Los Angeles-based digital agency HUGE, and now turns his business and leadership chops towards AngelHack – especially with our upcoming EDU program. This man knows startups and digital marketing.

Craig Elimeliah

Say Hello to AngelHack’s Newest Advisors: Mark Cuban, Ben Parr and Frank Vial!

Craig Elimeliah is a Senior Vice-President and Director of Creative Technology at RAPP, a digital marketing and branding agency in New York City. He constantly pushes the envelope with technology and how it can be used for marketing, and has done some great work with some big names like Time Warner Cable, NBCUniversal, Nestle, Google, Pepsi… and now, us!

Say Hello to AngelHack’s Newest Advisors: Mark Cuban, Ben Parr and Frank Vial!

We can’t wait to see where we’ll go next year. We’ve got some BIG things coming up, and with these great advisors (and their diverse backgrounds and experience) on board, the possibilities are endless. We’re so excited to have them as part of the AngelHack family! What exactly is coming up? We can’t tell you yet – but be sure to sign up for our mailing list, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook, so you’ll be the first to know!