Thinking Big and Hacking Small With U.S. Bank and Mastercard: The Recap

Thinking Big and Hacking Small With U.S. Bank and Mastercard: The Recap

Thinking Big and Hacking Small With U.S. Bank and Mastercard: The Recap

Once again, our Bay Area community came out strong! This time, we worked with U.S. Bank and Mastercard to bring you guys the Think Big Hack Small hackathon, focused on creating innovative solutions for small business owners.


These were the mantras attendees at the event were told to keep in mind when hacking. Understandably so, because they are some of the driving forces for small business owners. These folks work tirelessly day and night to build their company and we brought the opportunity to our community to do some heavy lifting for banking technology innovation.


To put it simply, you guys didn’t disappoint. We had 24 projects submitted utilizing both U.S. Bank and Mastercard APIs! Pause while you pat yourselves on the back for that one …


Let’s talk winners.


We had three winners for this event, each of which earned themselves some major $$$


First place prize winners of $15,000 and entrance into a 10-week startup boot camp provided by Plug N Play was team Undutchly.

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Our champion’s project was an interactive game that makes paying a tab more fun. Each person puts their name in and the app randomly chooses a person to pay the whole bill. Restaurant owners can pay for the service for their guests to use.


Second place prize winners of $7,000 were team The Lazy Freelancer

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This dynamic duo created an incredibly innovative project that integrated an Amazon Alexa. Their product allows small business owners to do bookkeeping with just their voice.


Third place prize winners of $3,000 were team 4Sight

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This awesome group created an adaptive cashflow forecasting tool for small businesses to better manage working capital. This could prove to help small business owners manage their cash in an efficient way without needing a finance department.


And there you have it! These champs may have won the prizes, but every single one of you awesome developers, designers, and entrepreneurs gave it your all and made some truly amazing and inspiring projects.


We couldn’t have made it happen without the amazing support from our friends at U.S. Bank and Mastercard.

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Until next time guys!