Unique Tech and Social Good Solutions: Recapping the Realex FinAppsParty

Last Friday and Saturday, Madison and Rachel from the AngelHack team were in London with the Realex Payments team helping throw one of the most fun and creative hackathons London has seen. The crew took over Impact Hub King’s Cross, and rocked the venue for the 18-hour hackathon focused on implementing the awesome partner mobile SDKs into a hack built around Realex’s easy-to-use mobile payment libraries.

Needless to say, it was a great event, with more than 30 great projects created by hackers from all over Europe.


So who won?

The winners! nest.id

nest.id! The team of two built an app (see screenshots by clicking the link) that acts as a point of safety for people displaced by  war, natural disasters or domestic abuse and allows them to have their vital documentation in a secure online vault (passports, birth certificates, etc) that may be lost when they left their homes. There is also a feature that allows for the transfer of funders and tracking loved ones.

The team, which featured developers from We Draw Pictures and Sixteen Pixels, won a nice chunk of change, as well as a trip to Barcelona! Not bad for 18 hours of work and fun!

Second place went to Floji! A beautifully designed app that improves and simplifies the process of ordering flowers for loved ones, or ones you’re trying to woo – with unique integration of video and facial recognition 😉

Third place went to Qoinz, who created a super-awesome hardware hack (see below for all you hardware junkies!) 


Qoinz hardware Qoinz hardware

Other highlights included our partner prizes… Post Quantum awarded RealAid, a social good app that helped to support donation transparency. Estimote’s prize went to Pablo, a crowdfunding platform for artwork in the physical world. And last but certainly not least, Veridu’s prize went to Easy Contract, an app that  makes life WAY easier for the average person to manage contracts and payments.

We hope everyone had a great Friday and Saturday! We sure did! We’ll be back, London!

Special thank you to all the partners who helped make this event amazing!

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