What have I been up to? Biostatistical Computing, a New Internet, and Startups

Hi, this Andrew here! I am a startup ambassador for the Metro Detroit community. You might be wondering what I have been up to lately? Recently, I started research in an area known as biostatical computing in which I try advancing computational genomic concepts with the emergence of quite advanced mathematical and statistical models. Things such as making a generative adversarial pipeline, or messing with big data mining comes into play. Now you may ask what is that? Enough of the technical jargon and let me tell you what things I have done.

Things I have done include utilizing tools such as Neo4J and GraphXR for analyzing breast cancer, creating a software such as Cancer@Home, my own pipeline (as mentioned earlier), and now I’m trying to do highly advanced computational genomic models for analyzing age-related macular degeneration. Infact, my own distributed computing pipeline may be one of the most interesting projects because it utilizes a piece of software I have created in the past. What is that software you ask?  That software is a SDK for web decentralization.

You see, my SDK is the decentralized-internet SDK which is a library for creating distributed web and grid computing projects. Parallel processing is just one of the core technologies being utilized in Biostatistical computing. It also shows the big role that decentralization has in the medical field. Offloading data and computational hashing can be quite useful for analyzing big data sets and even creating newly synthetic data.

That being said, this isn’t my first startup rodeo. In the past, I have built technology and advised an ever growing list of startups. I also do other cool things such as build underwater wireless networks and my own cubsats. This just shows a small sample of what many people in the AngelHack ambassador community and local startup community can do. We are creators, innovators, futurists, technologist, and wannabe pioneers. See you on the other side!