Anheuser-Busch InBev’s Hack the World Bangalore Recap

Anheuser-Busch InBev’s Hack the World Bangalore Recap

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Hackers from across India convened last month at The Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) Hack the World hackathon In Bangalore, powered by AngelHack. The event took place at the brand new AB InBev Growth Analytics Center (GAC), where 115 hackers created 26 projects, taking on the challenge of using the images and data provided to creates solutions for AB InBev to gain better insights into the effectiveness of their investment toward driving sales.

Anheuser-Busch InBev’s Hack the World Bangalore Recap A packed house at Hack the World Bangalore!


More than 400 developers, including students from the top universities across India, applied for the chance to compete for amazing prizes including an expenses-paid trip to New York City, fun tech gadgets and guaranteed in-person interviews with the GAC leadership team for potential job and/or investment opportunities.


The challenges were tough with hackers work tirelessly overnight to complete their projects, but the event was a blast and featured beer-branded decor and a retail store replica, a fun happy hour, 24/7 support from an army of AB InBev employee mentors, and delicious food.

Hackers in-the-zone build their projects at Hack the World Bangalore, February 2017. Hackers in-the-zone build their projects at Hack the World Bangalore, February 2017.


The competition was tough, but in the end three winning teams pulled ahead of the pack. The winners were selected by a panel of esteemed judges including Felipe Aragao, Global Growth Analytics Head, AB InBev; Marianela Comino, People Director, AB InBev; Sayandeb Banerjee, Co-Founder, TheMathCompany; and Chris Walker, Global Director of Revenue Management, AB InBev.

The winning teams of Hack the World Bangalore, February 2017.   The winning teams of Hack the World Bangalore, February 2017.


The grand-prize winning team, Somma, built a data visualization and prediction tool using python, TensorFlow, Javascript and React. The second place winner, Hora Feliz, built an image processing tool and algorithm to extract the details of products in shelves using just the smartphone camera, using Unity3D, Image Processing, Android and Advanced Python. The third place team, Image Analysis, used a combination of traditional and deep machine learning with image processing to create their solution.


The Bangalore event is a continuation of AB InBev’s Hack the World, a global series of events in countries including the U.S., India, China, Brazil, Australia, South Korea, Argentina and the UK, designed to connect with the most talented minds across the globe when it comes to creation, technology, and innovation. Hack The World aims to identify the most innovative solutions to major business challenges leveraging new technology, as well as helping students, creators, and entrepreneurs achieve their dreams and career aspirations through an extended working relationship with the world’s largest beer manufacturer.


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AngelHack will continue its hackathons in India, kicking off its 10th Global Hackathon Series which will take place this spring and summer in Hyderabad, Bangalore, New Delhi, Manipal, Mumbai and more! Learn more at