5 Startups That Prove The HACKcelerator Breeds Awesomeness

5 Startups That Prove The HACKcelerator Breeds Awesomeness

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The 2016 HACKcelerator program is about to kick-off, taking winning teams for AngelHack’s 9th Global Hackathon Series through a pre-accelerator program geared to provide them with mentorship and resources to help turn the projects that emerged from the span of one weekend into startup successes!

“ To date, the HACKcelerator has had two Google acquisitions and one to Box. Our overall portfolio value is $40mm, while roughly 25% of our active companies get accepted into a later stage accelerator such as Y Combinator andTechstars and 50% are able to secure venture funding.” — Milan Koch, Managing Director HACKcelerator

Here are just a few companies who’ve emerged from past HACKcelerator batches and gone on to greatness.


5 Startups That Prove The HACKcelerator Breeds Awesomeness Marko and Kristel, founders of Testlio

Testlio (2013 HACKcelerator Batch)

Winners of AngelHack London 2013

Testlio seamlessly integrates into your development process to make sure bugs never hit production. You’re provided with your own dedicated testing team, loaded with a full range of devices and every tool.

Founders Kristel and Marko have led what started as a simple hackathon project to immense success (and got engaged in the process!).

Testlio was a part of the first Austin Techstars class, and has since gone on to expand the company and just raised $6.25m in April.

Ready for a throwback? Check out this awesome video of the team practicing their Global Demo Day pitch, and read about their strategy here.

Find Testlio on social media: AngelList, Twitter, Facebook

Wrappup (2015 HACKcelerator Batch)

Winners of AngelHack Dubai 2015


Rishav, Rami and Ayush, founders of Wrappup.

Team Wrappup has been makingwaves since their first hugely successful demo at AngelHack Dubai last year.

The team of three created a working prototype that, along with their pitch, wowed the judges.

They’re beta testing with companies like Microsoft, IBM, and Emirates Airlines (no big deal) and have also been accepted into the Bizspark Plus Program as well as IBM’s Global Entrepreneur Program.

It’s safe to say that you’ll be hearing much more from Wrappup.

Find Wrappup on social media: AngelList, Twitter, Facebook

Atumate (2015 HACKcelerator Batch)

Winners of AngelHack Cincinnati 2015


Olivier and Andrew, founders of Atumate with mentor Brian Powell at Global Demo Day

Atumate (formerly Atumsoft) seemed to come out of left field, tackling an issue that most people aren’t aware even exists: laboratory instrumentation monitoring and data collection. They’ve created the new standard in data collection and analysis, using wireless connectivity and the flexibility and mobility of IoT technology.

And big news! They’re now a part of Brandery’s 2016 Accelerator class!

Find Atumsoft on social media: AngelList, Twitter, Facebook

Tousled (2014 HACKcelerator Batch)

Winner of AngelHack Seattle 2014

“The beauty industry is a 36 billion dollar a year industry that has yet to be disrupted. I want to change that. Will you join me?”

That line from Tousled founder Priya Dandawate’s demo at AngelHack Seattle is stillreferenced during our CMO’s infamous pitch workshop, as an example of a perfect way to grab the crowd’s (and especially the judges) attention.

And grab their attention she did. Tousled has grown into Seattle’s leading mobile hair salon, providing on-demand haircut and styling, massages and more to the Seattle community.

Oh and Priya also took her amazing pitch skills to TechCrunch’s Seattle pitch-off and won second place!

Find Tousled on social media: AngelList, Twitter, Facebook

SocialCapital (2015 HACKcelerator Batch)

Winners of Capital One’s SmallBizDev Hackathon in San Francisco

Obed and Tope, founders of SocialCapital, pitching on stage at Global Demo Day ‘15

SocialCapital is an artificial intelligence platform which provides accurate customer/jobseeker personality profiles using social data (from social media platforms).

After the HACKcelerator, SocialCapital went into Techstars and recently graduated from that program a few months ago. They’re now working with companies like Sprint.

Find SocialCapital on social media: AngelList, Twitter, Facebook

Follow along with this season’s batch by checking out the#HACKcelerator16 hashtag on Twitter.

For more info on AngelHack’s HACKcelerator program and partnership, contact Milan Koch at milan (at) angelhack.com