Founders Cafe Hosting Us For Lady Problems Delhi

Founders Cafe Hosting Us For Lady Problems Delhi

Founders Cafe Hosting Us For Lady Problems Delhi

Not long ago the AngelHack team put our heads together to figure out what cities we were going to bring our Lady Problems series to. We knew we couldn’t leave out Delhi because of our awesome community in this awesome city!

The first step in making that a reality was finding a place to host this hackathon. Thankfully we already know of an amazing venue, The Founders Cafe!


We already knew they were in alignment with our vision and wanted to hop on board right away. Finding allies with our cause is incredibly fulfilling because we get to spread our mission of gender equality in entrepreneurship around the world.


When we asked Founders Cafe how they felt about the series they said: “There was an almost immediate resonance that we felt when we came across the concept of the event, Lady Problems Hackathon. The concept and the intention behind the event somehow seemed very familiar to us, a realm of practice that we were pretty sure that we had delved into before. At The Founder’s Cafe, our everyday schedule involves creating and fostering a sense of community”


They continue to set the standard for entrepreneurship in the Delhi area through their immersive and diverse space. So we thought we would share it with all of your on Oct 15-16th!


The very nature of their ecosystem has prepared them to hack the structured and often restraining boundaries that start-ups have to deal with in the real world. Through understanding the importance of a platform where start-ups and individuals have the freedom to explore and indulge in their own pursuits.

They continually find value and respect the way in which a community can act as a launch-pad for several such start-ups and individuals.

To be honest we could talk about them all day long but we’ll let the space speak for itself when you get inside!

If you haven’t snagged your ticket yet, then get on it by signing up here! And use the code: AngelNews for free tickets! ‘Cause we love you!