Innovators Are Rising – How Our 12th Hackathon Series Breaks from Tradition


The 12th Global Hackathon Series has arrived! This year’s series has so many incredible things in store, including…

New and returning sponsors bringing exciting challenges and prizes

️ A new series structure allowing us to go to more cities than ever before

Return of the HACKcelerator prize: a 12-week mentorship and network program        cumulating in a virtual Demo Day experience

The best hackers around the globe (of course!)

And while we’re clearly pumped to talk about everything planned for this year, we can’t help but think back to where the series started.


The Global Hackathon Series was founded on the mission of providing opportunities for all creators. For us, this meant building events that would be beneficial to people regardless of where they lived or what their skill set was. Attendees could be a first-year computer science student new to coding or a retired entrepreneur with decades of experience – it didn’t matter. What did matter was that individuals walked away with a new community and an opportunity they may not have had before.


What Hasn’t Changed

Innovators are continuing to rise. Innovators rise to meet opportunity, they rise from failure, they rise from all corners of the globe, and they lend a hand to help others rise with them. It’s why the Global Hackathon Series is still going strong to this day, because hackathons and the opportunities they create allow people to rise, together.


The Global Series’ mission is still going strong. Our founding goal rings true now more than ever. With diverse communities developing all over the world, the series aims to offer new and unique opportunities to everyone who joins.


The Global Series style isn’t going anywhere. We’re bringing our flare to 23 in-person cities around the globe. Pitch parties, next-level hackathon food, and the best playlists are all included!


What Has Changed

A renewed focus on resources. Providing more education and communication every step of the way, this year we’re making sure all measures have been taken to help participants reach their full potential in the creation of change-making solutions.


A global series that’s truly global. Beginning this year, the Global Series will include a new virtual competition! This will allow anyone to compete with the goal of expanding boundaries of ordinary thinking and creating barrier-less solutions.


“When we first launched the Global Hackathon Series, we could have never predicted how far it would go and how many people around the world it would impact.

We’ve seen parents learn how to code alongside their children in Los Angeles, an 80% female hackathon attendance rate in Gaza, and a hackathon team in Barcelona join our HACKcelerator program then go on to receive over €2 million in funding.

So it’s always an extra special moment for us when we can step back from that and say ‘what’s next.’ How do we continue growing and bringing opportunities around the world? This year that means hosting a genuinely global program through our first virtual series event.”

– Sabeen Ali, AngelHack Founder & CEO


So get ready, because #AH2019 is going to be the best #GlobalSeries yet!


You can check out all of our live and upcoming cities here, or head directly to registration below (more to come on our events page):

Global Virtual / Pre-Registration, June 1-30


San Francisco / North America, April 20-21


✔ Nairobi / MEA, April 24-26

Chennai / India, April 27-28


Delhi / India, May 4-5


Hyderabad / India, June 8-9


✔ Nicosia / Cyprus, June 8-9


Bangalore / India, June 15-16


Mumbai / India, June 22-23


Silicon Valley / North America, June 29-30


And because you’re awesome, get a discounted ticket with the code: GlobalRise19


Have a question about hackathons, how to prepare, prototyping strategies, what to pack for success, or anything else? Comment below and let us know!